Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Registration Form

PRINT THIS FORM and mail in - address below

These are Early Bird prices. Prices will go up on February 1, 2014.
All monies are refundable until May 1, 2014.

Combined price for both Friday Night and Saturday Night - $140 per person

Or choose the Friday night only price - $40 per person

Or choose the Saturday Night only price - $100 per person

Your name _______________________________________

Address _____________________________________________

City, State, Zip code ____________________________________________

cell Phone _________________ Email address ______________________________________

Name you were known by in high school _________________________________________

Number of people attending ______

Name of Friday night spouse and/or guest(s) _______________________________________________________________

Name of Saturday night guest/Spouse _________________________________________________________________

Total Dollars Remitted:

For combined fri and Saturday night ticket ____ people at $140 per person $_________

For Friday night only ____ people at $40 per person $_________

For Saturday night only ____ people at $100 per person $_________

300 page pictorial 50 year history of the class of 64 ____ copies at $45 per copy $_________ Mail book @ $5 per copy $_______

(circle one) --Let me know the details of the golf event-- or --I am not interested in the golf event--

All donations will be confidential:

Gift to Westmoor High School $________ and specify the department the gift is to be given to:____________________

Donation to help classmates attend the reunion who might need assistance financially: $________

I have an extra room and would like to invite a classmate to stay at my home during the reunion ______yes


Make checks payable to WESTMOOR HIGH REUNION
Mail Check and this form To: Ron Johnson* 40 Park Terrace Ct. * Walnut Creek, CA 94597

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